
Josh Whelan - Melbourne

“I’ve just completed my second escape with my girlfriend! We had circuit training, boxing, strength based workouts and games! The trainers mixed it up and kept it fun! I really enjoyed training in the Maldives heat!!(Same as in Bali). Where to next is the question?!!”

Fitness Retreat Reviews

Sam Otway - Perth

“Being a mother of 2, my major concern was travelling solo as I’d never travelled alone before. However my mind was put at ease as soon as I landed I was met by their driver who took me straight to the resort where I was met by the team and made to feel at home.”

Fitness Retreat Reviews

Oliver Thompson - England

“It was such a fun group of people and the classes were challenging and interesting. Lots of variety and free time, and tons of fun and some going out to party too. Very much a “work hard, play hard” mentality (not a detox retreat). I definitely got a lot of workouts in.”

Fitness Retreat Reviews